Social Security Seminars
Social Security provides not only a guaranteed income stream but also longevity protection, spousal protection and some inflation protection. It may be the closest thing you receive to a traditional pension. Whether you’re single, married, divorced or widowed, there may be ways to maximize the lifetime Social Security benefits you receive.

You’ll Learn About:

Filing Strategies
We’ll cover different strategies to get the most out of your benefits when you do decide to claim. This includes how the “do over” and “start, stop, restart” strategies work.

Enhancing your Benefits
We’ll discuss how married couples can help enhance their combined monthly and lifetime benefits, how to claim retroactive benefits as a lump sum, the effect of remarriage on survivor benefits for widowed and divorced spouses, five factors that could reduce the actual payments you receive and more.

Recent Updates
We’ll also go over The SECURE Act, the impact that it could have on your retirement savings and changes to Social Security filing strategies.

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